PostCSS, Tailwind, Plugins…Oh My!

This post is a bit outdated!
Since writing this post, automations were added to Bridgetown. To start using Tailwind CSS with Bridgetown, check out the community-maintained automation.
Personally, I’m a Bulma man myself, but I understand there are a ton of you out there who love Tailwind CSS and won’t give it up until they pry it out of your cold, dead hands.
So I’m pleased as Ruby-colored punch to highlight this breezy tutorial by Andrew Mason all about how you can quickly and easily set up a new Bridgetown website with Tailwind CSS and PostCSS.
From the article:
If you have had Ruby/Rails/Jekyll experience, you should feel right at home with Bridgetown. Bridgetown also removes the barrier to entry for integrating webpack and all the goodies the JavaScript community has to offer.
Plugins Are Coming 😲 #
A major theme of the next Bridgetown release codenamed “Hazelwood” is make everything about plugins better—whether it’s writing plugins, publishing gem-based plugins, or utilizing plugins effectively in your Bridgetown websites.
To that end, we’ve just put up a new Plugins directory here on the site. What’s rather cool about the implementation is that we’re simply sourcing all the data directly from GitHub. So all you need to do is add the bridgetown-plugin
topic to your plugin repo, and it’ll get picked up here on the site as soon as its rebuilt. In case you’re wondering, we used the new Ruby Front Matter feature to write the code to pull all the data off GitHub. Here’s what it looks like:
# src/plugins.html
layout: default
title: Jazz Your Site Up with Plugins
plugins: !ruby/string:Rb |
endpoint = ""
conn =
url: endpoint,
headers: {"Accept" => "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}
) do |faraday|
username, token = ENV["BRIDGETOWN_GITHUB_TOKEN"].split(":")
faraday.request(:basic_auth, username, token)
items = JSON.parse(conn.get.body)["items"]
items.each do |item|
gem_url = "{item["full_name"]}/master/lib/#{item["name"]}/version.rb"
result = Faraday.get(gem_url).body
item["gem_version"] = result.match(/VERSION = "(.*?)"/)[1]
And then down in the page we can use simple Liquid template syntax to loop through the plugins and output all relevant information. A simplified example:
{% for plugin in page.plugins %}
<a href="{{ plugin.html_url }}">
<h2>{{ }}
{% if plugin.gem_version %}
<span class="tag">v{{ plugin.gem_version }}</span>
{% endif %}
<div>{{ plugin.description }}</div>
<div class="author">
<img src="{{ plugin.owner.avatar_url }}" alt="{{ plugin.owner.login }}" class="avatar" />
<a href="{{ plugin.owner.html_url }}">{{ plugin.owner.login }}</a>
{% endfor %}
So take a peek at the new Plugins directory and think of what you’d like to see there in the future and then let us know!